When nature calls, Have2P is what you need

Have2P will point you to the nearest public restroom to keep you from rushing home when you’re out walking, driving or anywhere else performing the potty dance.

This public-bathroom finder uses lists and maps to indicate bathrooms in your range.  Have2P even picks up on the rhythm of your potty dancing by resetting when it’s shaken.

This app beats the look of BathroomFinder, which also gives options in list or map form.  And it’s similar to Charmin-sponsored SitOrSquat, but without the cluttered toilet paper ads.  Although SitOrSquat does include phone numbers with listed locations.  Do you call ahead to reserve the bathroom?

There is a useful social aspect to Have2P, as unsettling as that sounds.  Once you get to one of the listed locations, be sure to rate it.  Indicate if it’s for patrons only, whether it has a changing table, and where it is within the business.  If there is no public restroom, be a friend to other users and indicate it on Have2P so it can be flagged.

If you’re particularly picky about where you do your business, avoid places with poor ratings.

The app is especially handy for this city-dwelling frequent shopper who often finds herself at a business without a restroom or at one that’s off limits to non-customers.  This app can save you from awkwardly asking store clerks if they have a public facility when you have no intention of shopping there.

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