Trazzler’s personality-driven results tell you what sights to see

If finding new things to see and places to go is high on your list of fun, then Trazzler’s personality-quiz-driven app could provide the tourist education you’re seeking.

Upon launch, Trazzler, designed for iPhone and iPod Touch, displays two images. Don’t think too hard before tapping the one you’re most drawn to. There are 20 picture sets in all, and after completing the quiz, Trazzler will dub you as a certain type of traveler, such as connoisseur of beauty or professional lounge hound. Trazzler provides a more full description of what each type is, and if you disagree with your placement you can retake the quiz. I took the quiz twice, and both times I felt like my placement was about as far from my actual personality as it could be.

Nevertheless, I found most of Trazzler’s local suggestions to be good tips with well-written commentary, although not all ideas reference a specific place (sorry, didn’t really need an app to tell me that taking pictures of New York City is a popular thing to do). Trazzler’s results are viewable as nearby sites based on your geolocation, or in an alpha list with a search function. An account, either with Trazzler or with Facebook Connect, is required to get the most out of the app — you won’t be able to save places or mark where you’ve been without one. Trazzler also lets you import friends and compare your profile with theirs, something that could be helpful when planning a trip with someone you haven’t traveled with before.

Trazzler is free, and the personality quiz doesn’t require an account. Download it and see — maybe the app will hit you, spot-on.

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