The Greek Gods education iPhone app is a gift from Mount Olympus

Whether you’re planning a trip to Athens or brushing up for your Greek mythology class, you absolutely need The Greek Gods (99 cents)  iPhone app.

The most impressive thing about it is by far the sheer amount of gods listed. To get to the gods, you scroll down the alphabetical list of names via “browse” or “search.” The search feature is for when you’re on a mission; you know what god you want to get to and you’re going straight for it. Browsing for a Greek god, on the other hand, is pretty much the same as browsing in a bookstore when you know what kind of books you dig, but you have nothing specific in mind.

The only downside — and I use that term lightly because mostly I’ve been having a blast looking up all the gods I know and love — is that you can’t just type in a god’s name and jump right to it; you have to scroll through the whole list to land on the god you want. On the up side—and because I don’t want to end on a bad note—here’s a reminder of when this iPhone app comes in handy: Remember the name of a god but you can’t recall what they stand for? Search for it. Looking to find a god that represents something you admire? Browse until you find the right match. Found a god you think is awesome and you want to remember it? Bookmark it. Now is your chance to finally remember who Pandora is, and what Theseus did.

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