Test your satire-savvy with Real Or Onion iPhone app

“Ed McMahon turns gangsta rapper” might sound like an Onion headline to you, but did you know it actually appeared across multiple mainstream news outlets? Because everyone loves outrageous news and stupid headlines — I’m sure I’ve written a few gems in my time, too — the team at Gelf magazine created app Real Or Onion for iPhone and iPod Touch, which allows users to test their satire-spotting skills.

If there’s any question that Onion headlines and stories can be taken as truth, just look at Literally Unbelievable on Tumblr. Although the premise behind Real Or Onion is on trend, I’m not enamored of the app. Right off the bat, you’ll see that Real Or Onion is not an attractive app. Basic is the keyword, here. You’ll be given a headline — chosen from hundreds, the app claims — and the option of choosing real or Onion. After you guess, the app will tell you if you’re right, and what percentage of users answered similarly. The app will also display where the headline originated. In theory, you can tap the link to view the original story, but under no circumstances should you do this. Real Or Onion’s developers neglected to include a functioning “Back” button, so you’ll be stuck on an outside website (or error page, depending on the age of the story), and only a force quit will fix it for you.

Users can only get two answers wrong before having the game end, so it’s worthwhile to think about each headline if you’re trying for a high score. You’ll also be subjected to “humorous” commentary on each headline. I use the term lightly.

For a few laughs and a brief challenge, snag the free Real Or Onion that offers up 30 headlines and stick to finding the humor in news yourself.

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