Tap and slide your fingers for Fame!

Even if you didn’t dress up in tights and leggings to dance along with the Fame movie as a child of the ’80s, you will enjoy the new tap-and-slide game of Fame!, developed for the new version of the movie.

This game is finger dancing meets Guitar Hero with the same principle of hitting a note at the right moment to execute, in this case, a simulated dance move. 

It’s a little disappointing that the original Fame song isn’t an option, but it appears the makers of the app will include more songs as updates down the road. Still, with a price of $2.99, you would think the creators could have added more than three songs to the launch of this app.

The Fame! app allows the uncoordinated to carry out moves they never could before. Then, help all your social media friends remember your name by sharing high scores online.

Now, if only they gave out bonus points for dressing the part while my fingers tap, tap, tap and slide to Fame.

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