Talk like a native on the fly with iTranslate

Your travel pocket dictionary just got slimmer.  From the iPhone App Store, the application translates your text into any of 42 different languages, from Arabic to Vietnamese.  Recently added languages include Turkish, Thai, Galician and Estonian.

To use the application, select the first language, then set the language to which you would like your text translated.  Type in your text, and hit the translate button.  Voila.  You are ready to do more abroad than just order dinner, count change and ask for directions back to your hotel.

Another benefit is the fact that the person you are conversing with can use this app to translate what they want to say back to your native language. Fortunately, the later versions of iTranslate take advantage of the iPhone’s new ability to copy and paste text, limiting your typing needs.

iTranslate also saves your previous translations.  Great for commonly used phrases you may use on multiple occasions, or even learning a new language.

Powered by Google’s translator, iTranslate is pretty basic but, has a difficult time translating some of the simpler words for certain languages, including Spanish. On the upside, iTranslate takes up little of your data usage.

Developed by Outer Space Apps, the iTranslate team is based in Austria and boasts Alexander Marktl, founder and original developer of ReadBurner.

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