Starbucks to offer free iPhone apps to café visitors

Instead of “Do you want fries with that?,” one popular chain is asking “Would you like a free app with your latte?”

Starbucks has announced an expansion on its partnership with Apple to include free iPhone apps for individuals who visit its coffee-centered outlets.

The companies have worked together since 2008 to give Starbucks customers a way to download free music tracks from Apple’s iTunes Music Store through “Pick of the Week” cards. Similar to that, customers can grab cards at a Starbucks cash register and enter the code on the back into iTunes or the App Store to get a paid app for free. The first app being offered in the partnership is Shazam Encore, which is used to identify music, normally at the price of $5.99.

This move marks the partnership’s expansion beyond music. For some time now, Apple has offered a special Starbucks section of the iTunes Music Store featuring coffee chain-curated music picks. This appears when users of Apple’s mobile devices use the chain’s Wi-Fi network. Starbucks has also offered the “Pick of the Week” program and a first-party application allowing users to pay for their drinks with an Apple device.

Shazam! Your latte is up and presented with a side of free apps. Why not sip your whipped cream-laced beverage as you identify (for free) the music gently piping out of the coffee shop’s speakers? Perhaps future apps will require you to actually leave the cafe and step away from your coffee.

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