Spark People Apps

Diet & Food Tracker by SparkPeople

I was glad to see this app as I use the website regularly. The program of Sparkpeople is simple to use and motivational, though the website can be a bit overwhelming for those uncomfortable with a busy look and feel.

I came back to Sparkpeople to have a good place to record my training. Sure I can do it on paper but I’m not going to carry a piece of paper with me everywhere I go. Having this on my phone makes it all the better.

I can now record my food and exercise at the time I’m eating it or doing it, rather then trying to remember when I get home to a computer. Because I’m using power training (tracking my watts) I need to record some pretty specific data that probably won’t stick in my head and now doesn’t have to.

For all these things the app is great though I would love to see a few improvements.

First, the nutrition tracker doesn’t have the morning snack option that the website has. This means if you eat a morning snack while sitting at your office computer and log it into the web client of Sparkpeople it won’t show up correctly in the app later in the day, say when you’re eating dinner out. It’s not a horrible hassle as the main page of the app shows your calories correctly, but you do have to remember to look there rather than at the nutrition page to know how many calories you have left for the day.

The other great thing would be a way to enter exercise notes. I have the longest “enter your own exercise” listings ever as I list out in bizarre code my interval training, rest times, watts, etc. If I had a way to write it into note in the app I could simply put “interval day” or “long day” or whatever and have this other information someplace else.

All that said the app is still really good and really useful. Plus the Spark program has worked for a large number of people so hey, an app that can help you look good in a bathing suit!

One last note, you can join a group at Sparkpeople to send in suggestions on the app. That probably bumps this up to 4.5 bars for me as they are working to make it better and that is very important. Oh yeah, AND it’s free… the whole program and the app too. What’s not to love about that?


Healthy Recipes – By SparkRecipes

Finding good quality recipes that are also healthy can be a pain. Even worse is finding recipes with nutritional information (or maybe just information that doesn’t make you cringe). This app does all that.

With the ability to add favorites, search by catagories and even see videos you’ll never be at a loss for recipe choices. Best yet you get to see recipe ratings from other “Sparkers” to see if something is really as delicious as it sounds.

If you want to eat healthy this is the app for you.


Inspirational Quote of the Day by SparkPeople

Need some inspiration to stay on track? This is the app for that.


Perfect Produce by SparkPeople

Learn about produce, how to keep it, how to use it and how to select it.


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