Shopper! makes browsing eBay a breeze

Browsing through pages of eBay listings can be tiresome, especially because doing so requires a ton of scrolling and scanning. Yahoo’s Shopper! app redesigns the eBay search with a tight grid presentation.

Using Shopper! makes wandering through eBay auction listings looking for a specific item and price a cinch, and ludicrously fast. The app provides you a simple search bar, in which you input keywords, and another one for specifying price.

Then Shopper! hits you with a dense page of search results, all complete with pictures and prices. They’re arranged left to right and top to bottom by how much time remains in the auction. You can speed through the results because of the layout, looking through the pictures for your precise item, and disregarding listings with too high a price.

The app seriously reduces time and energy spent searching through eBay listings. Clicking one of the listings takes you directly to its eBay page, so it’s possible to be bidding on an item within seconds of running your search. And listings open in another browser tab, so if that particular item isn’t satisfactory, it’s no problem to bounce back over to the app and find another one.

One problem with Shopper!: it only includes listings with photos. While that simplifies browsing through them by a substantial margin, it means some good listings or better prices could be missed.

For items with a ton of listings, Shopper! should definitely be your first stop. With more obscure things, you might want to double back to eBay and use its search function, too.

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