Score the best hotel deals with Room 77

Saving money on hotels just got easier with app Room 77 – Hotel Deal Finder for 130K+ Hotels, available for iPhone and iPod Touch.

From my experience, Room 77 works best when you’re trying to find a last-minute place to stay. The app defaults to your current location and although it offers a search bar to change locations, the process is slow and not terribly user-friendly. Once you are able to get the results to stop jumping around, the app will show you your best bets elsewhere, but Room 77 could definitely use some improvement in this area. Changing your travel window also took some effort. The app defaults to two nights, and when I tried adding a day to the range I found myself with two days later on in the month. Eventually I got a three-day trip to stick, but the required precision tapping was frustrating.

Rooms can be booked in-app and the service offers you an option of connecting your Facebook or Twitter accounts, creating a new Room 77 account, or logging-in as a guest. Although I didn’t fully complete a reservation, I’d opt for a site-specific account in this case for confirmation’s sake.

One thing that makes Room 77 stand out from other travel apps is its concierge section. Here users will find tips and tricks on how to get standout rooms within a particular hotel. Many of the Chicago hotels I viewed only had generic information, but when I checked out some properties in New York I found real, usable suggestions for getting a room with a view or a room as quiet as one can be in NYC. Some hotels even feature a room finder: type in your room number and see photos, compliments and complaints before you accept that room key.

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