Must have Social and Tech News apps

United Nations News Reader

The United Nations News Reader pulls all of the news that is relevant to the United Nations. Categories include: Peace and Security, Law, Crime Prevention, Health, Poverty, Food Security, Human Rights, and much more. My favorite feature is that it lists the top articles in the past 24 hours, seven days, and overall. The UN Affairs section is also very interesting.


Brookings Institution

I had no idea about the Brookings Institution, until I read a news article and downloaded this app. What an excellent resource for social and public policy information! Major topics include: Energy and Climate, Growth through Innovation, Managing Global Change, and Opportunity and Well-being. Ahhhhhhhh, I have so much to learn!



All the news you can imagine from PBS! Categories include: economy, art beat, world, social issues, and many more. This app is also rich in video content and pod-casts. PBS NEWSHOUR-Official is a must have if you love PBS.


Robert Scoble

If you’re a fan of Robert Scoble, then this app is a must have. It includes videos, photos, books, events, and all of his other musings. This app is well designed and easy to use.


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