Lydia 2 Awesome social apps picks 2011


Ask any question you want to a bunch of geniuses. What could be better? Highly Recommend!



Facebook will most likely be a standard for many years to come.



Twitter and all of the Twitpic apps that go with it will be a standard for years to come.



Ashton Kutcher is at it again and his prowess as a social media guy is still very high. On Amen you can shout out something or shout down something. The best and worst of life and a social community in between. Awesome for finding out new cool things! Recommend!



Some very good improvements here from the last version. Easy to use and fun to interact with other users. A personalized photo booth on your phone. Awesome!


Skype for iPhone

I’m loving video skype and can’t believe I ever lived without it. Recommend!



Get linked to prospective new clients and jobs. What could be better? I’ve also found a few long lost friends on here. Awesome!


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