Keep track of nearly everything you need to time with ManyTimer

If you’re having trouble remembering when you need to change the filter in your pool, pick up your kids from school, and arrive on time for your hair appointment, ManyTimer might be just what you’re looking for. ManyTimer is a very bare bones free app that lets you keep a multitude of countdown timers running so you can keep your busy life carefully regimented.

Once you’ve set up your timers, the real fun starts. You can add a photo to each timer to make it more easily identifiable, and even create additional categories of timers so you can see specific groupings in one place. If you want to see all food-related timers, for instance, create a category specific to food, and set your timers up under that folder. If you’re less discerning, and merely want your timers all in one place, the multitude of sorting options will come in handy.

You can sort by earliest timer to expire, or latest timer to expire, and also alphabetically forward and backward. It would be very hard to become confused while using ManyTimer. The additional options to stop or reset all times are also nice if you’re looking to clear out your cache of timers.

As a free app, ManyTimer has pretty much every option you could require of a timer. It’s disappointing there’s no way to set up a timer to go off on a set schedule, but for a one-off event, you probably can’t go wrong here if you need a bit more order in your life.

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