Improvements to finance app Expenditure make for a worthwhile download

Finance app Expenditure has been available for some time, but its latest batch of updates, which address many of the requests made by early adopters, puts the program at the top of my list for budget-tracking apps.

Expenditure is capable of tracking both expenses and income, so you can see how your spending stacks up to your earnings. After entering in your number and selecting income or expense you can choose a category, give the transaction a date — such as the first of the month for your rent check — and select if you want the event to repeat and how often. Expenditure also leaves room to add a photo of the expense, or a note to include more information. Expenditure uses a 10-key style number pad rather than a traditional calculator layout, and although I could see this initially tripping up some users, this was really the only downside I could find in the app.

In its latest round of updates, Expenditure added more customization to its category functions and included additional total displays to help users more easily see their spending surplus or deficit. Expenditure can be instructed to roll over figures to keep a complete running total of your expenses or reset at the beginning of the month. The app now offers password protection, and your transactions can be exported via email in CSV formiat, or imported into another copy of the app through the .exptr file — great, if you have multiple household members who need access to the information. The app was also optimized for iPhone 4’s Retina display, and added 13 additional currency options.

Overall, Expenditure offers up a good-looking, easy-to-use interface, and developer Shape’s excellent customer support ensures that your investment in Expenditure will pay off.

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