Helpful Apps July 2011


“The purpose of this application is to provide cross cultural assistance, in the form of “doorway thoughts,” to clinicians with older patients from minority groups.” This app is an excellent introduction to the American Geriatrics Society and gives a brief framework on how to provide care that respects culture while gauging general health concerns and comfortability.. Highly Recommend!


Smart Traveler

This is an awesome app for all travelers because it includes all of the Embassy info you will ever need and much much more! Recommend!



This is an awesome search engine for the Deaf and hard of hearing. Want to go see a movie, but unsure if subtitles will be included? This app lists the movie theaters closest to you and tells you if there are subtitles and the languages of the subtitles. Some movie trailers are also featured in the app. And remember, it never hurts to call ahead. Highly Recommend!


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