Go To iPad Apps for Community Managers

Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine

This might possibly be my fav iPad apps! With this app you can keep up with your Facebook & Twitter community in a beautiful user friendly display. You can also add your own sections relevant to your community. I have Daily Candy for my city in addition to few of Flip suggestions.


Feeddler RSS Reader for iPad and iPhone

I am a big RSS fan. I don’t even know the number of blogs/news sites I subscribe to. I do however, have them organized very well in folders. Some RSS apps try to dump all of the feeds in one big stream. I subscribe to several Google Alerts terms so the folder structure is very important for me.
I also love that Feeddler gives me several sharing options. I have my shared items post to twitter throughout the day.



I’ve tried out several twitter iPad apps and it appears that the actual Twitter app works best for me. I use Tweetdeck on the computer but the iPad app is too grumpy for me to continually use. On the Twitter app I have a few of my fav searches saved and quick access to my Lists.


Friendly Plus with Ad Blocker

I downloaded this app per a coworker’s recommendation and I’ve been very pleased. I love how this app handles viewing photo albums. I also like the Phonebook tab under the friends section for quick access to my contact’s phone numbers. My only complaint is it seems that I can not access my lists directly from the app.


Evernote – capture notes and sync across all devices. Stay organized.

You never know when an impromptu idea or question will pop into your mind. I’d categorize Evernote in the must have for all iPad users. I can quickly save notes, photos, etc from my iPad and then access them on my computer (and iPhone) without worrying where they went.


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