Find Locksmiths Simply and Safely With Lockheal

There are two options for personal accounts in Lockheal: customer and locksmith. The request starts with the former; customers can list the type of service they need (emergency, residential, commercial etc.), their locations, whether or not it’s an emergency, and other important points free of charge. As soon as the request is finalised it will appear on the locksmith’s dashboard. Here, the tradesman can analyse the customer’s needs and location, and send a bid if they feel they’re the right person for the job. Now that the two are connected, the customer can open up a dialogue within the app’s Chat, and either accept, barter on, or reject the bid. If a price is agreed, the locksmith notifies the customer that they’re starting the job, meaning they can watch the tradesman’s movements via GPS tracking, showing them how close to the job they are. Once the locksmith arrives and finishes the job both parties select Done. It’s as simple as that.

After the work has been completed the customer can rate the job done by the locksmith. A rating out of five stars will be attached to the locksmith’s account, and their average score will be visible by all other future customers. It ensures that there’s transparency between the two, allowing the customer to decide on who to accept bids from depending on their rating. There’s also an option available to the customer to narrow their search parameters; if they narrow it down to locksmiths with a rating of four stars or more then only those with that score will see their request. Such a feature not only provides assurance to Lockheal’s customers, but makes certain its locksmiths complete every job to the best of their ability.

From either side of the bid Lockheal is extremely simple to use. From the customer’s point of view, the request form takes just minutes to fill out, and no further details will be required. A separate tab brings up a complete history of transactions: ones that are still fresh, closed for any reason, or completed. Even payment of the work is simple, as your card details can be saved under your Profile section; once the work has been completed, you simply need to accept the charge. Things are as easy for the locksmith. A visually straightforward dashboard lists requests in order of their creation date, meaning you can always be on top of the latest customer’s needs. Every one you accept will then be sent to the Current list, providing a simple way of keeping on track with every job you’ve decided to take. Then, as with the customer’s account, a History page reveals every job you’ve undertaken. Logged bank account details also ensure that payment goes directly to you, rather than through a third party.[sc name=”quote” text=”Nothing about Lockheal is complicated. It’s fast, efficient, and safe, for the benefit of the customer and the locksmith.”]

What’s most important, though, is that Lockheal is safe to use. Every locksmith who is a member of the app goes through a thorough licensing check. Not only does this assure the safety of the customer, but it also ensures to all locksmiths that their business isn’t being taken by unlicensed providers. This does come at a small cost for the locksmith, but advertising your business on the app costs nothing, and is a way of marketing yourself free of charge.


Nothing about Lockheal is complicated. It’s fast, efficient, and safe, for the benefit of the customer and the locksmith. From the initial request to final payment everything runs smoothly, creating work for the locksmith and ensuring the customer’s needs are met. Whether you’re doing the work or having it done, Lockheal is essential.

Available on iOS and Android.

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