EPA supporters will like the Environmental Protection Agency News Reader app

If you like what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does, and if you check its Web site regularly, you will like the Environmental Protection Agency News Reader. This news app isn’t the fanciest in the world, but it does provide you with current and categorized news regarding the environment.  

Do you want to read about the latest goings on when it comes to energy? Just click the Energy button and all of the EPA’s recent news releases on energy come up. For each given section, anywhere from two to 73 articles appear, starting with the most current news and dating as far back as June 2008. The Environmental Protection Agency News Reader is like a tailored search engine that provides you with information specific to your interests. This does mean that you have to take the initiative and tell the app when you’re ready for the news rather than having it constantly thrown your way.

Chances are, you probably don’t need the Environmental Protection Agency News Reader for information that is uncovered by mainstream news outlets. If you want to know about radiation, for instance, you can use any search engine to find the most up-to-date information. But the EPA’s news releases are easily digestible and informational. My only complaint is that, for whatever reason, the Hazardous Waste and Recovery Act news feeds never worked for me. Otherwise, for 99 cents, to have all the environmental news you want packaged up in a neat app and waiting in your phone it’s a pretty good deal.

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