Cotrio – Arithmetic Made… Fun?

Yes, that’s right. Maths. Arithmetic. The building blocks of life and the very bane of every single High School student. While this seems like a bleak start to a mobile game, Cotrio manages to make it work.

You are presented with a simple triangle with 6 points and, along the top of the screen, three unique numbers. These unique numbers can be placed on points within the triangle, with the intention of trying to make two adjacent numbers add up to a third, so as to complete the level.

Now it’s not just arithmetic, it’s strategy too.

Every number you place will have up to three adjacent partners – you can’t have any number touching another number of the same value, all the while you’re trying to get two numbers to add up to a third.

Confused yet?

Cotrio manages to guide you through the first level with relative ease, urging you where to click and reassuring you that you’ll do better next time when you break the rules and fail. After that, it’s up to you.[sc name=”quote” text=”Cotrio manages to guide you through the first level with relative ease, urging you where to click and reassuring you that you’ll do better next time when you break the rules and fail. After that, it’s up to you.”]

Bioling the base gameplay of Cotrio down, it is simple 1 + 2 = 3. Make one space be the total of two adjacent spaces and the section of the triangle will change colour. Get every space the same colour and, voila, you’ve won the level.

A good puzzle game can generally be said to either simple or complex. One is not necessarily better than the other, but even simple games must be deep and rich to be enjoyed, whilst complex games must be accessible and not frustrate you too much.

Cotrio is firmly in the category of a simple game, but it manages to pack so much more than you would expect from such a banal and frustrating-sounding introduction. Each level is a maelstrom of constant arithmetic, trying to puzzle out the correct way to get each section both not touching another identical one, as well as trying to solve the puzzle and win the level.

The issue is confounded by the fact that you can add numbers on top of one another, increasing their total and making it all the harder to try and get two adjacent spaces to total up. When you have only 1, 2 and 3 to deal with, it can feel especially difficult to try and reach 11.

These numbers are the only numbers you’ll be able to use throughout the level, forcing you to adapt your strategies each level to find the best combinations and win the level.[sc name=”quote” text=”These numbers are the only numbers you’ll be able to use throughout the level, forcing you to adapt your strategies each level to find the best combinations and win the level.”]

Cotrio is a strategic game rooted in intelligent decision making through and through. In Cotrio, you’ll puzzle and rack your brains until you think you’ll never solve it and then… there it is. The perfect solution.

Too few puzzle games give you that feeling. Cherish it.

[review pros=”intelligent and interesting throughout the game. Beautiful once you figure the solution out.” cons=”Rather hard to grasp at the start.” score=7.5]

[appbox appstore id1217055123]

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