Best Music Apps


Millions of songs on your Phone for free, Who doesn’t want this??? Create custom playlist. Search whats Hot, Old, and New. Great APP!


Pocket DJ

Because It’s just FUNN! Think DJ Hero for your Androids MP3 Collection.



It beats Satellite radio in the car. This app should have been Zedge, but they don’t have it here. (Zedge is a great app for ringtones and wallpapers)


SoundHound + hands-free with “OK Hound” | Search, Discover and Play Music

This app Rocks Find any song…Just let the app take a listen, and you’ve got a name and artist info in seconds.



Actually: Old Time Radio Player: This is a classical radio lovers dream. Think: before TV; Dragnet, Gangbusters, The Lone Ranger, and Gunsmoke… Take a Listen. Look for Old Time Radio Player.


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