Archive Web stories to read when you want with Instapaper Pro

Instapaper Pro makes it convenient to save Web pages for later reading. By simply dragging a “Read Later” bookmarklet to your browser, you can save articles you want to read when you have the time, and even if you’re offline.

When you are ready to read the articles, they are viewed in an iPhone friendly format. While there is a free version of Instapaper, the Pro version has several features not included in the free version. With Instapaper Pro, you can organize articles into folders, star items you’d recommend, and adjust font and text sizes, and automatically updates the articles in the background. 

What I love most about this app is the convenience of saving articles or posts that as a blogger I may want to read or reference later. I’ve also found Instapaper’s integration in many Twitter apps (Tweetie, Echofon) invaluable. Sometimes I find myself not having the time to read an entire article linked in a tweet, and instead of having to search for the tweet, I can save the article to Instapaper for later reading. Having the ability to do this is incredibly convenient. 

If a simple app for bookmarking web pages, Instapaper Pro is well worth the $4.99 price tag.

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