Angry Birds Seasons go for a summer picnic

As Rovio often does with Angry Birds Seasons, it’s rolling out a series of “summer picnic”-themed levels, one a day for 30 days. These levels aren’t all that remarkable in the grand scheme of Angry Birds, and “summer picnic” is about as innocuous a theme as you can have — it’s all just blue skies and green grass, and maybe a tree — but, hey, it’s Angry Birds, and you know you want it.

That said, the level-a-day works pretty well in conjunction with the difficult level of the new levels. The way I play, each of these levels is as much of  time-waster as, say, the newspapers Sudoku puzzle. Maybe the fact that it takes me 20 minutes to complete an Angry Birds level makes me bad at Angry Birds, but if you think so, you are way too good at Angry Birds to judge us normal people.

In terms of where this fits in the pantheon of Angry Birds Seasons, I’d probably put the summer picnic somewhere on the low end of the curve. Not because there’s anything wrong with the levels themselves, but rather because they just aren’t that cool to look at. I called it innocuous earlier, and that’s exactly what it is. Again, this isn’t a quality issue, but if you wanna be a memorable Angry Birds season, you need a more memorable aesthetic than this.

Anyway, you’ve got a new Angry Birds level a day, and they’re as fun to play as you would expect. Yeah, not a waste or time. Or, rather, an exceptional waste of time.

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